About Salasar Balaji Institute of Technology
Some features of SBIT are:-
To provide its students with oppurtunities to exhibit their potential in its totality in pursurance of acedmic studies and other social activities.
To provide conducive environment for learning by doing in colleges.
To promote the dissemination of knowledge fostering the innovative thoughts of the Students.
To empower students living in the rural areas so as to bridge the urban - Rural gap.
To organize seminars and lectures of eminent professionals and scientists.
To produce readily employable graduates by imparting industry grade skills.
To inculcate the spirit social harmony and solidarity among students and strengthen the unity and integrity of the nation.
To educate and train law students to properly perform their jobs, learn manners, proffesional ethics and social values.
To perform such other functions and to carry out such other duties as the society may deem proper or as may be assigned to it by the State Government from time to time.
To value and preserve the right heritage of our composite culture.
To prepare oue students for updating their office and library.